Netflix shows that will inspire you to build your dream house

3 min readSep 19, 2020


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Building a house can be a quite an extraordinary project and usually a one-time thing. Because this experience is so special, you want to make sure you are really building your dream home! Are you lacking inspiration? Check out our selection of Netflix shows that will give you the right inspiration to build your dream house!

The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes

If you are into extravagant architecture, this is your show. The two host travel the world discovering the most extravagant and innovative architecture. They meet the owners and the architect who share the creative concept behind it and the struggles that come with building a house in a remote location.

Tiny House Nation

If you are looking to live a minimalist lifestyle then tiny house nation is the perfect inspiration for you! Each episode follows a family building their tiny home. Each one with their own needs and desires, this show is more about the functions of a home than the beauty of architecture.

Amazing Interiors

Although the outside of these houses looks quite ordinary the inside is something outside of this world. Jumping from science museums to doll houses, this show has seen it all. Your own imagination is your limits. Here, anything is possible!

Cabins In The Wild

Between grand design and practicality, this shows follows the projects of eight teams across the UK who are competing to design unique cabins themed on the mythology, tradition and beauty of Wales. This show will inspire you on innovative architectural designs and the challenges faced when building in a remote location.

Grand Design

This show is for the true adventurous people out there. It follows families who have bought a piece of land without have it seen it beforehand and follow their journey as they build their dream house. Through unexpected events this show really shows what is the worst you can expect when building on an unknown terrain.

Still not sure how your dream home looks like? Check out our Pinterest page and save our pins with your favourite architectural design!

